
You can pass the following values in the name: {{airHum}} {{airTemp}} {{bat}} {{batV}} {{e25}} {{ec}} {{leaf_hum}} {{leaf_temp}} {{leaf_wet}} {{pulse}} {{rain}} {{temp}} {{valve}} {{vwc}} {{wetBulbTemp}}


Auto Fill Location

Latitude 47.657768 Longitude 8.492556


Water Usage Settings

A sensor with a VWC below this value is shown in a yellow color.

A sensor with a VWC below this value is shown in a red color.

Sending interval

Here you can define the sleep interval of the sensor. Changes go into effect after the sensor has sent a new message.

The device currently sleeps 15 minutes between measurements.

For multiple reasons (battery, usage of the frequency, ...) we don't recommend very small values.

Update Rain counter

Here you can set a new rain counter. Changes go into effect after the sensor has sent a new message.

Currently the rain counter is: 1035.4

Go to analyse to see the last values.

Usually you want to set this to the highest value after a battery change. Or to 0 at the beginning of the season.